Given an array of unsorted integers and a target integer x
, write a method int[] twoSum(int[] a, int x)
that returns the indices of two numbers that sum to x
Example: given x = 10
and int[] a = [9,2,1,4,7]
, your function should return [0,2]
in any order. If no such combination exists that sum to x
, your method return [-1,-1]
public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
// store complements in a hashmap. key is complement, value is index
HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
if(map.containsKey(nums[i])) {
return new int[]{map.get(nums[i]), i};
} else {
map.put(target-nums[i], i);
return new int[]{-1,-1};