// Interview Study Guide (34 problems)

Path Sum

Given a binary tree, write a method that returns a path from root to leaf that sums to a given integer, x.


      /  \
     10  30
        /  \
       25   40

pathSum(root, 30) -> (20) -> (10)
pathSum(root, 75) -> (20) -> (30) -> (25)
pathSum(root, 90) -> (20) -> (30) -> (40)
pathSum(root, 120) -> empty list 

Solution Bottom Up

public  Stack<Node> pathSum(Node node, int x, int currSum) {        
    if (node == null) {
        return null;

       currSum += node.value;

    // leaf node
    if (node.left == null && node.right == null) {
        if (currSum == x){
            Stack<Node> path = new Stack<Node>();
            return path;

    Stack<Node> path = pathSum(node.left, x, currSum);
    if (path != null) {
        return path;
        path = pathSum(node.right, x, currSum);
    if (path != null) {
        return path;

    return null;

Solution Top Down

public static LinkedList<Node> pathSum(Node root, int x) {
    if(root == null) return null;
    LinkedList<Node> path = new LinkedList<Node>();
    pathSumHelper(root, x, path, 0);
    return path;

private static boolean pathSumHelper(Node root, int x, LinkedList<Node> path, int currSum) {
    if(root == null) return false;

    path.addLast(root);  // add current node to the path

    currSum += root.val;  // add root to the currSum

    if(root.left == null && root.right == null) { // we're at a leaf node
        if(currSum == x) {  // check if this is the path summed to target x
            return true;

    } else {
        boolean leftPathSumsToX = pathSumHelper(root.left, x, path, currSum);
        if(leftPathSumsToX) return true;

        boolean rightPathSumsToX = pathSumHelper(root.right, x, path, currSum);
        if(rightPathSumsToX) return true;

    // remove the node from the path (backtrack)
    // note: we do not need to remove the current node from currSum, since it is passed by value

    return false;